Wellness Tool #23: Baking

Surprisingly, baking has a huge impact on mental health, by increasing satisfaction, mindfulness, and a lot of sensory pleasure, it can help those with depression and other mood disorders by occupying the whole mind and body system. By enticing your senses of touch, taste, smell, and sight you can really get into baking.  My favorite thing to do is combine baking with other wellness tools such as socializing with friends, trying new things, and healthy meals to truly enjoy the activity.

Joseph Villarreal

Joseph is the Program Supervisor for the Eastern North Carolina Outpatient Clinics located in Greenville, New Bern, and Wilmington.  He is also the Secretary for the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Leadership Council (DEI) and a member of the Peer Leadership Council (PLC).  Joe is also a verified social media marketer and a former award recipient of the National Association of Developmental Disabilities, N.A.D.D.

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