
“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.” – William Arthur Ward

Imagine for a moment the one person that means more to you than anything in the world. Now picture that you found them the best gift in the world. I mean this is literally the one thing they have dreamt of their whole life! You know that when you give this to them it’s going to change their entire world. But then you set it someplace to keep it safe and can’t remember where. That amazing gift is hidden away and that person will never get to experience the life-changing joy you had intended. Keeping your gratitude, words of appreciation, and positive perspective from others is the same thing. When we express our appreciation for someone, share the things we are grateful for, or bring a positive perspective to an otherwise negative moment we are giving those around us a gift. Maybe it doesn’t look like it because we may not see the giddy look on their face when they open the box and see the puppy they’ve been wanting. But at the same time we are planting gratitude, appreciation, and positivity which can grow and spread. There is no gift in the world that can compare to that. Feel it? Share it!

Sarah Deats

Sarah Deats is a Behavioral Health Technician at RI International and the Hope Inc. Stories Inspiration Engineer.

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