Wellness Tool #7: Resting

There has always been a positive relationship with sleeping for me. Having a bad day? Take a nap. Stuck at home because it’s raining? Hit the hay! Don’t want to go out and socialize? Order a pizza, curl up on the couch and fall asleep to your favorite TV show. Having great sleep hygiene has also been shown to help with mental health. It allows the mind and body to recharge to take on the next day. Even 20 minute naps can help those with insomnia feel refreshed. Sometimes in this fast pace world that we all live in, the best thing to do is pause and recharge.

Joseph Villarreal

Joseph is the Program Supervisor for the Eastern North Carolina Outpatient Clinics located in Greenville, New Bern, and Wilmington.  He is also the Secretary for the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Leadership Council (DEI) and a member of the Peer Leadership Council (PLC).  Joe is also a verified social media marketer and a former award recipient of the National Association of Developmental Disabilities, N.A.D.D.

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